Hi, I’m Molly Burke. I’m a copywriter.

I write ads for Arnold, I write comedy for anyone who wants it, and sometimes I write tweets that go viral!!!

email: mollyburky@gmail.com
click for resume

My cats made this website. Forgive them - they don’t know what they’re doing. They’re just cats!

Sitting Is the New Smoking. Here’s How to Quit!

Sitting Is the New Smoking. Here’s How to Quit!

We all know that sitting is the new smoking. It’s a terrible habit that could lead to tight hips and, in some cases, feeling well-rested. Here are some helpful tips (from a former sitter) that could help.

Going cold turkey could be hard.

So make a few lifestyle changes that could help you sit less. Set a loud alarm every hour to remind yourself to stand up. Or get a standing desk. Or get a smart watch that’ll zap you every time you’re about to sit.

Remove triggers from your home.

Get rid of all your chairs and stools. How you gonna sit with no place to sit? You will be forced to stand and you will be so healthy for it.

Remember: “everyone else is doing it” is not an excuse.

Yeah, you’ll feel a little funny for being the only one standing at the dinner table, but if you continue to resist the peer pressure, then maybe one day everyone will be brave enough to stand while they eat, awkwardly hunched over the table while stuffing their face. That’s the future I dream of.

Seek the right kind of medical help.

If you go to the doctor and they tell you to sit, then that doctor is obviously a quack. Practice “just saying no” and walk out.

There are certain things you’ll have to give up.

Driving is just not a thing you can do anymore. And going to the bathroom is gonna be tough but I swear it’ll be worth it when all your friends are complaining about their high cholesterol and you’ll be showing off how swollen your feet are.

Withdrawal will be brutal.

Your legs are gonna burn. They’re gonna get tired and you’re reeeeally gonna wanna sit down. If you get that urge, distract yourself with something else. Maybe a cigarette.

You can do this.

Remember, you got this. The “quit sitting” movement is taking the world by storm. Just listen to this woman’s life-changing account:
I have been standing non-stop for two weeks now. I’m so tired. Like really freaking tired. I don’t feel well. But I’m better than everyone else. I stand all the time. Even when sleeping. I would never lay down. If sitting is the new smoking, then laying down is the new LSD. And my brain is NOT wired for hallucinogens.

Oh Cool a Training Montage Commercial

Oh Cool a Training Montage Commercial

“Baby You’re So Efficient” and 7 Other Song Titles That Will Immediately Land You a Commercial Deal

“Baby You’re So Efficient” and 7 Other Song Titles That Will Immediately Land You a Commercial Deal