TV spots (2)




BOSS: Very productive conference call. Good work, guys.

WOMAN: Thanks, Jill.

MAN: Thanks.


SFX: Snapple cap pops off

WOMAN: Mista, did you get my telegram?

SFX: Snapple cap pops off

MAN: Well, I haven’t checked my mailbox, see?

WOMAN: Look, junia -

BOSS: (Coughs)

WOMAN: Oh, hey Jill. You’re still on?

BOSS: Yeah.


SFX: Snapple cap pops off

BOSS: Well, that’s it, I’m outta here!

(Conversation fades out)

VO: Snapple. Cheers to the unconventional.

SFX: Snapple bottles clink

WOMAN: Well, I’ll cheers to that.



MAN: Hey, Hannah.

SFX: Snapple cap pops off

WOMAN: I knight thee, young sire, the lord of client meetings.

SFX: Snapple cap pops off

MAN: I thank you, madame. Thy sales report informeth mine presentation namely.

WOMAN: Mine pleasure.

BOSS: (Coughs)

WOMAN: Mr. Wilkins...


SFX: Snapple cap pops off

BOSS: Good day, sire and dame.

MAN & WOMAN: Good day, sire.

(Conversation fades out)

VO: Snapple. Cheers to the unconventional.

SFX: Snapple bottles clink



Banner ads, Snapchat filter and social media for the event


In-Store Activation


Radio for in-store activation


The Creative Team



Betty Taylor - Creative Director & Copywriter

Konnor Meyers - Creative Director & Copywriter

Emma Dahlgren - Art Director & Designer

Lucas Valdez - Art Director

Grant Parsons - Copywriter



Chateau Marmont

Chateau Marmont

Huy Fong Sriracha

Huy Fong Sriracha



The Emily Program

The Emily Program

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter



Travel Minnesota

Travel Minnesota

Student Ad Summit

Student Ad Summit

