Hi, I’m Molly Burke. I’m a copywriter.
I write ads for Arnold, I write comedy for anyone who wants it, and sometimes I write tweets that go viral!!!
email: mollyburky@gmail.com
click for resume
My cats made this website. Forgive them - they don’t know what they’re doing. They’re just cats!
TV spots (2)
BOSS: Very productive conference call. Good work, guys.
WOMAN: Thanks, Jill.
MAN: Thanks.
SFX: Snapple cap pops off
WOMAN: Mista, did you get my telegram?
SFX: Snapple cap pops off
MAN: Well, I haven’t checked my mailbox, see?
WOMAN: Look, junia -
BOSS: (Coughs)
WOMAN: Oh, hey Jill. You’re still on?
BOSS: Yeah.
SFX: Snapple cap pops off
BOSS: Well, that’s it, I’m outta here!
(Conversation fades out)
VO: Snapple. Cheers to the unconventional.
SFX: Snapple bottles clink
WOMAN: Well, I’ll cheers to that.
MAN: Hey, Hannah.
SFX: Snapple cap pops off
WOMAN: I knight thee, young sire, the lord of client meetings.
SFX: Snapple cap pops off
MAN: I thank you, madame. Thy sales report informeth mine presentation namely.
WOMAN: Mine pleasure.
BOSS: (Coughs)
WOMAN: Mr. Wilkins...
SFX: Snapple cap pops off
BOSS: Good day, sire and dame.
MAN & WOMAN: Good day, sire.
(Conversation fades out)
VO: Snapple. Cheers to the unconventional.
SFX: Snapple bottles clink
Banner ads, Snapchat filter and social media for the event
In-Store Activation
Radio for in-store activation
Betty Taylor - Creative Director & Copywriter
Konnor Meyers - Creative Director & Copywriter
Emma Dahlgren - Art Director & Designer
Lucas Valdez - Art Director
Grant Parsons - Copywriter